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Week 6


  • Loki Configuration: Set up Loki to collect logs from Django and FastAPI applications.
  • Log Queries Definition: Define log queries and filters to identify logs containing "ERROR A11" and other relevant patterns.
  • Visualization Creation: Create visualizations in Grafana based on the log data from Loki.
  • Alert Setup: Configure alerts in Grafana to notify when "ERROR A11" logs are detected.


  1. Centralized Log Collection: Loki enables centralized collection of logs from diverse sources, simplifying troubleshooting and analysis.
  2. Effective Error Identification: Defining log queries and filters like "ERROR A11" helps quickly identify and address specific issues within the applications.
  3. Visual Insight: Creating visualizations from log data offers clear insights into application behavior and error trends.
  4. Proactive Issue Management: Alerts triggered by log data empower prompt responses to critical errors, enhancing system reliability.